Your satisfaction is our number one priority

We take complete charge, in case you’re wondering

Construction Voyer is committed to building durable homes, built to higher-than-industry standards. If, however, a problem should arise with your house or condo, contact our post-sale service to rectify the problem as quickly as possible. No matter what issues arise, a representative will guarantee personalized follow-ups and take complete control of the situation: from gathering information, to recommending highly qualified suppliers, to scheduling visits based on your availability, to post-service follow-ups to ensure you are completely satisfied.

A team at your disposal that listens

Friendly and efficient service is a Voyer hallmark. With us, problems are quickly solved and give way to a welcome peace of mind. Easy to reach and quick to return phone calls, our team promises the highest quality post-sale service.

Contact our team

Write to us immediately in the event of a problem. Our team of advisors will get in touch with you quickly to rectify the situation. You’ll notice how much easier everything is when you choose a leader in Quebec’s residential construction industry.